The organs of Paris
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt HOME ALL ORGANS


1 Place du Cardinal Amette, 75015 Paris

Orgue de choeur OdT>

1972 - Heinz Wilbrand (1)

I/5 - mechanical traction

Clavier (C-g 3 ) Gedeckt 8’ b/d Rohrflöte 4’ b/d Quinte 2 2/3’ d Prinzipal 2’ b/d Scharff 1’ II b/d Photos OdC: Vincent Hildebrandt
E1 In 2020, the church bought an organ for the masses during the week at the chapelle de la Vierge and masses with few people.
The organs of Paris


1 Place du Cardinal Amette, 75015 Paris

Orgue de choeur OdT>

ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt ALL ORGANS
1972 - Heinz Wilbrand (1)

I/5 - mechanical traction

E1 In 2020, the church bought an organ for the masses during the week at the chapelle de la Vierge and masses with few people.